The British Society for the Turin Shroud was founded in 1976 to act as a forum for individuals from all walks of life sharing an interest in the mystery of the Shroud. The Society is non-denominational, has no party line for or against the Shroud's authenticity, and its officers all work on an entirely voluntary basis.

The BSTS issued its first newsletter in 1982 under the editorship of Ian Wilson, a prolific author of historical and religious books and one of the world's foremost Shroud researchers. The newsletter has been in continuous production ever since and publishes two new editions each year. Copies of every issue of the newsletter are archived after 12 months and stored on where they can be viewed. We are grateful to our good friend Barrie Schwortz, founder and editor of, and all those who contributed to making digital versions of all the earlier issues.

The aims of the Society shall be:

  1. The encouragement of, and support for, research into the Shroud of Turin in all aspects.

  2. The dissemination of, and support for, research into the Shroud of Turin in the form of written matter, photographs, exhibition materials and other means as may assist in spreading reliable knowledge of the Shroud.

In pursuit of these aims, the Society shall be entirely non-denominational and non-aligned.


The BSTS welcomes contributions from multi-disciplinary sources with a genuine interest in furthering our understanding of the Holy Shroud of Turin. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the quality of the content, the Society cannot be held responsible for individual views shared in the Newsletter, which may not reflect the views and beliefs of the Committee.

We keep subscriptions as low as possible but there is much more we would like to do. If you can readily afford to contribute more, please use the button below to make a donation. All contributions will be gratefully received.

Editor: Michael Kowalski - Email:

Copyright © BSTS 2024